Refund Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to know the refund dates, which are published in the Academic Calendar.  Students are eligible for a full refund of tuition for credit hours of course(s) dropped on or before the last day to drop with a refund – as listed in the Academic Calendar.  Refunds will not be authorized after the refund dates. 

Wytheville Community College has contracted with Nelnet to process refunds to students.  Students have the ability to receive their refunds in as little as three to four business days after the refunds have been processed in SIS. 

Students may choose to receive their refund by Direct Deposit by logging into their Student Information System (SIS), going into their "My Student Information" tile, and then clicking "Manage Refunds" under the Finances section of their Student Center.

The options for receiving your refund are:

  • Direct Deposit (ACH) – Funds are usually available within 4-5 business days after refunds are processed in SIS.
  • Physical Check – If Direct Deposit hasn't been selected the student will receive a physical check by default.  They will receive the check within 10-14 business days.

Important information regarding the mailing of refund checks

Refund checks are automatically generated by the SIS system and are dependent up on an up-to-date student address.  Students should update their address in the SIS system whenever they relocate or change their address.  Address changes may be made by calling the Admissions Office or by accessing My WCC.  Students who do not have an up-to-date address or are missing address information in their student account will not receive refund checks.

Cashier Assistance

Students who need assistance should contact the Business Office in Bland Hall: 276-223-4789 or 1-800-468-1195 extension 4789.

Directions for Enrolling or Managing Refunds with Nelnet

Refund Eligibility

Students are eligible for a refund for credit hours dropped during the “drop” period. To be eligible, a student must complete and process an official drop form during this period.

The college publishes in each semester’s class schedule the dates during which a student may be eligible for tuition refunds. Refunds are automatically processed when a scheduled class must be cancelled. No refunds will be considered after the announced date unless the student can document unusual or extenuating circumstances, or in case of an administrative error by the college. Before any consideration can be made, the student must appeal to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development, and then to the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

Official drop forms must be turned in to the Admissions and Records Office in person or by the student’s authorized representative. Financial aid students must also bring the drop form to the Financial Aid Office for signature. The official drop date for a student is the date that the drop form is received by the Admissions and Records Office.

All entering and returning students receiving Title IV financial aid are subject to the Title IV Return of Funds Policy. A copy of the policy is mailed to each student with the financial aid award letter. Copies of the policies and additional information concerning the policies are available in the Financial Aid Office, Bland Hall, Room 221. Information about financial aid at WCC is available via the college’s Internet website.

Refunds, Credits, and Reinstatement Policy as a Result of a National Emergency

Tuition and Required Fees

In the event, a student is ordered to active duty (for reservists) or mobilized (active military) as described in the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2, and he/she requests to be withdrawn from the college after the last day to drop and receive a refund, the student may elect either to be deleted from the registration file and be awarded a full refund or to be administratively withdrawn with no refund and assigned a grade of “W.”

The college shall provide, at the option of the student, for such refunds to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.

Academic Credits and Grades

Students who are subject to conditions described in Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2, should have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) until released from active duty (for reservists) or mobilization (for active duty personnel). All course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization.

Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled times.

Careful consideration should be given and special options are advised for students who receive student financial aid or Veterans Administration benefits.


Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized shall be assured a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to reapply for admission if they return to the college within one year of completing service required as a result of the national emergency.

Students who are separated from the college, under conditions in Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2, shall be required to apply for readmission if they do not enroll within one year from the release from active duty (for reservists) or return from mobilization (active military).

Important Dates